
I hope you're into gore, humor, and the fictitiously infectious, 8ecause that's what this will 8e all a8out! Definitely not for the faint of heart, I'll warn you. 8ut, if you're like me and like a wide variety of stories, you'll fit right in. And remem8er, don't check for monsters under your 8ed, when they're the ones who live inside of your head.


yo yo yo how's my favorite bean?


@Lucis_babe purple and black


@Lucis_babe Hey random unrelated question what's your favorite color?


I hope you're into gore, humor, and the fictitiously infectious, 8ecause that's what this will 8e all a8out! Definitely not for the faint of heart, I'll warn you. 8ut, if you're like me and like a wide variety of stories, you'll fit right in. And remem8er, don't check for monsters under your 8ed, when they're the ones who live inside of your head.