@Hello_there260 Hello, there!! :) I will start updating Knight Time after finals! Should be around the 11th of May. I plan on updating twice a week this summer.
@Hello_there260 I certainly hope I can update in a month or so. I've gotten busy and have been trying to get a book I hope to eventually get published finished, but I will update soon! Thank you for asking, the book really hasn't gotten a lot of my attention and it needs some love :)
Soooooo excited! Getting back to writing! It feels like FOREVER (and it kinda has been)!!
I hope to have the next chapter of Knight Time up in a couple days!!!!!!
@BriellaBliss there is a difference between fanfiction and original work. Most if not all of my works and novels in progress are all a part of my own imagination and creative well. If you worked for hours (or years in my case) on an original work only to have it considered fan fiction how would you feel?