Just know that I'm always here for all of you. I adore you; you're incredible, valuable, and stunning. Always remember that. You're far too valuable to me, so please look after yourself for the sake of me and your other loved ones. Stay hydrated, eat more, get outside and touch grass more regularly (I know, I'm being hypercritical-), and stay fit! You're aware that you're always liked. There will be someone who loves you somewhere in the world; if not, you haven't met them yet! We know you needed to read this, so take care of yourself. I understand that there may be difficult, dismal periods, but always look up and think positively! Don't get caught up in the past. Something is always available. We constantly have to deal with something and go on. Because if you continue to put yourself down, you may become sad and unhappy. Guilty, unhappy, and tense. Get more rest. Put your phone down and go to bed. I don't want to lose you guys as well.
If you need someone to support you or vent to, I'm here.