this message may be offensive
Anyone else just fucking tired. Tired of never being good enough even in your own eyes. Tired of doing everything to try to be better only to constantly fail. Sometimes it would be better if you could just hide away from everything. Hide from everyone. Leave for a while to your own devices. Not die or disappear just be gone out of contact for a small amount. Be able to take a deep breath and think why you are how you are. Wonder if you just need to be able to escape so that you can see how badly you are your own worst problem. I have no following so I know no one will see this but it's nice if just for a little bit to get it out. I'm barely keeping my head above water yet I'll willingly drown to make sure those I love don't feel it to. Thanks for being here for my first official rant on the message boards hope whoever this gets to knows they aren't alone. -twonamedauthor