
this message may be offensive
if anyone is still following me I’ve basically moved to AO3 under the name adammets_twitter_6_5_22. I currently have two stories and am working on another oneshot. basically I don’t use wattpad anymore and this is me letting y’all know. maybe I’ll publish my oneshots here we’ll see.
          	thanks to y’all that read my old shit and survived lmao. I swear my writing has improved since 2018


this message may be offensive
if anyone is still following me I’ve basically moved to AO3 under the name adammets_twitter_6_5_22. I currently have two stories and am working on another oneshot. basically I don’t use wattpad anymore and this is me letting y’all know. maybe I’ll publish my oneshots here we’ll see.
          thanks to y’all that read my old shit and survived lmao. I swear my writing has improved since 2018


I’m case anyone is interested, I just joined AO3 and published a one shot called There’s A Big Crowd Looking. my username on AO3 is adammets_twitter_6_5_22 (you’ll never guess who that tweet is about)
          go look at it!!!!