
Jadi pengen nulis yoongi as a hacker gara2 kebanyakan ngoding..


          Taekook dan Yoonmin shippers ya?
          Yuk mampir ke work aku,ceritanya asyik loh.Dijamin baper dan pengen mau ngomen mulu.Cerita yang disajikan juga gak monoton dan kaku.Kisahnya ala drakor,Rate-M nya di sensor,dan authornya bukan pelakor #plak
          Judul:Marriage Not Dating 사랑 : Love
          Summary:Sudah tak pernah pacaran,eh malah dijodohkan.ketuker lagi pengantinnya...blablabla*cek workku
          Coba dulu baru baca,kalo gak suka bisa kembalikan ke authornya#authorshock 
          Jangan lupa vote dan comment dan dapatkan cashbacknya*eh..gakgak maksudnya thank'sback nya#korbanshoope


Hey, I saw your reply and that you deleted your comment and I just want to reassure you omg it’s okay– it really is! Thank you for liking my books and reading them :”) it means the world to me. 
          And don’t worry about that comment you posted omg XD I’m glad that you put exactly what you thought, because it let’s me have an insight to improve and make my next story even better :’) so really, you don’t have to worry a single bit, okay? Don’t stress over it. It just stung a little lmao but I can take it. I openly welcome comments of any type so I learn more and more so I don’t mind. And don’t apologize, please, it really is okay. 
          Once again, thank you ♥️ 


@Yoongay-G-U-STD I saw the notification and I can believe it for a second that u just sent me a message in my wall and idk what to say i lost words  im so honored omg you are so kind I really love your book thank you so much  also i want to thank you for reading and replying my comments, i really want you to know that i love your book  kiss me on the lips is the first book that i read and i really love the story and i will read your other story after i finish it  dont stop writing authornim  i can see that you have a great tallent on it once again thank you so much omg im so honored ily author 
            Ps: sorry my english is bad 