"i mean i could but
why would i want to?"

💖 c a l l m e l i v 💖

↪ If you read till the end of this bio
↪ If I love you or you love me
↪ If we're friendzzz
↪ If you watch any TV shows we can talk about
↪ If you're funny, sweet or just awesome

💖 f a c t s 💖

↪ Sushi is the bane of my existence
↪ I am one of those rare people who hate coffee
↪ I only follow people I know and like
↪ If you're reading this you're cool
↪ Eye Yam British
↪ Food and Wi-Fi are my life

💖 w o r k s 💖

↪ Cover Shop
↪ Advice
↪ Reviews

💖 i b e l i e v e 💖

↪ Black lives matter
↪ Equal rights
↪ Free Palestine
↪ Skinny shaming exists
↪ Justice for Grenful
↪ Muslims Are Not Terrorists

💖 f a m 💖

↪ Kenny- come back boo
↪ Samiha- bestieee
↪ Shae- realest person + a1 advice
↪ Rifu- ultimate og
↪ vee- cutiepie
↪ maybae- ilysmmm

💖 s h i p s 💖

↪ Bellarke
↪ Barchie
↪ Haleb
↪ Stelena
↪ Stydia
↪ Mash
↪ Metra

💖 a d m i n 💖

@TheGraphicsCommittee: Contest Admin
@GraphicEmpire: Graphic Designer
@Stop_the_bullying: Admin
@-RYID-: Graphic Designer
@World-Of-Writers: Graphic Designer
  • Sleeping
  • Đã tham giaMay 30, 2017

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
twostepsatatime twostepsatatime Dec 15, 2020 09:37PM
Whoever is here from youtube, please reply! <3 I wanna keep you all in the loop for the new story xx
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Cover Shop bởi twostepsatatime
Cover Shop
Closed. Need a cover? Well this is the book for you! Credit must be given to @TwoStepsAtATime Hope you like...
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Reviews bởi twostepsatatime
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