
So today (August 18th) marks two years since I published the first chapter of TYG and one year since Bad Girl. I just wanted to say that it's been an amazing two years and thank you to everyone who has voted or commented or even silently read. I can honestly say that I don't think I would be who I am today if I didn't have my writing and you guys. ❤️❤️❤️


Reklam yasaksa özür dilerim...
          Merhaba ben bir kitap yazmaya başladım çok seveceğinizde eminim. Bir prens var, bir çoban kızına âşık oluyor ama, kral buna izin vermiyor. Onlarda gizlince veleniyor. Kral bunu duyunca sinirlenip her yerde onları arıyor, ama 1 yıl sonra buluyorlar. Kız hamileymiş. Köye saldırı düzenliyorlar. Prens ölüyor, kızsa kurtulup kaçıyor ormana, ama orada sancısı tutuyor, bir kadın ona doğurmakta yardım ediyor. Ama, erken doğum oluyor. Kızı kayb ediyorlar. Küçük kızı oluyor. İsmini babasıyla annesinin ismini birleşdirip koyuyorlar. Ve ismi "Algül"
          Koyarlar. Onu kadın büyütür, ama kimse ona neler olduğunu söylemez, çünki zalimkral hâlâ küçük gül'ü arıyor... 
          Bir şans verir misiniz?


I literally love your books so much. The Youngest Greene trilogy is so good. And then The Youngest Grimes is also amazing. I'm so excited for the next update. But the last time you updated was you saying you were sick and I just wanted to know if you were okay? I got kind of worried.


Thank you so much. Yes, I am okay, thank you for asking. I'm so sorry but I don't think I will be finishing the youngest grimes. I've held off on saying it for so long because I didn't want to accept it, but it seems like no matter how hard I try I just can't write the story. I'm not sure what to do about it, I don't really want to delete it but keeping it up feels unfair to people because they'll never get to know what happens. Do you have any suggestions? 


I love your books! I've been reading them over the past few weeks and im addicted to them. They have helped me get through last week ( ive been having a terrible freshmen year ) and they get me away from reality and I smile at my phone like a dork. So I wanted to say thank you so much for taking your time to write these story's I really appreciate it.


I'm so sorry. Even though we're strangers if you ever want to talk about anything message me. I'm glad you like the books! :) 


So today (August 18th) marks two years since I published the first chapter of TYG and one year since Bad Girl. I just wanted to say that it's been an amazing two years and thank you to everyone who has voted or commented or even silently read. I can honestly say that I don't think I would be who I am today if I didn't have my writing and you guys. ❤️❤️❤️