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So basicalyyy, (I'll try to explain this as best as I can and hope it doesnt sound like a bunch if mumble jumble if u see what I mean lmaoooo)
Anywaysss, when I walked into class he seemed ok and we acted like normal but we didnt really talk about what happened cause the lesson was with one of those teachers that you cant talk to much or you get in trouble but we did make jokes like we normally do which really confused me cause I thought he was made at me.
Then the next lesson we had was more chill so then we talked and I said to him i dont even understand what i did wrong, because I wanted to understand what I did so I don't repeat the same mistake and he was like and these were his exact words 'you know what you did'. And to this point I still domt understand because I cant read minds but I didnt wanna say that directly to him because I dont wanna invalidate his feelings. And then he started saying how he suppresses his feelings and stuff and was taught by his parents he needs to man up and stuff so I understand that but it's just hard for me to be friends with someone like that and I honestly dont think what I did was a big deal because he did questions on the baord before without a problem before but indent wanna sound insensitive.
I dont wanna call him problematic because I understand to him it might have been a big deal but i already apologised but he just kept dragging it on (yesterday when we were texting) and he just said some shit like "I dont think I'll ever do anything for you again" and that kinda hurt.