
Hello! I apologize for the unannounced hiatus, I just needed a break, and I was quite busy over the past couple of months. Unfortunately, I may be taking a bit more time off.
          	As of late, I’ve found myself growing less interested in Warrior Cats, at the moment, at least, and I’ve found myself wanting to do other more original things than writing roleplays and fanfics for warrior cats alone, I hope you all understand.
          	I will be taking an indefinite break from writing warrior cat related things due to my lack of interest and inspiration on the subject, but, you may expect to see more original things here as well!
          	I do plan on keeping all of my OCs, I am still quite attached to them, and I will be leaving the pages up in OC books and such, and I will be leaving my already written books up, but don’t expect them to be continued, at least, any time soon.
          	I hope you all understand, hope to be back writing more original things soon!


Hello! I apologize for the unannounced hiatus, I just needed a break, and I was quite busy over the past couple of months. Unfortunately, I may be taking a bit more time off.
          As of late, I’ve found myself growing less interested in Warrior Cats, at the moment, at least, and I’ve found myself wanting to do other more original things than writing roleplays and fanfics for warrior cats alone, I hope you all understand.
          I will be taking an indefinite break from writing warrior cat related things due to my lack of interest and inspiration on the subject, but, you may expect to see more original things here as well!
          I do plan on keeping all of my OCs, I am still quite attached to them, and I will be leaving the pages up in OC books and such, and I will be leaving my already written books up, but don’t expect them to be continued, at least, any time soon.
          I hope you all understand, hope to be back writing more original things soon!


I have started with the revamp for Until the Stars Fall! If there are any forms or anything that you’d like saved, make sure to do that before the book is unpublished!


Would it be ok if I saved the info for Lynxcrow? Ik I never sent the form and I’m sorry about that, I just completely forgot about it 


Alright, I have a few more characters that are close to being done for the interactive OC book:
          —Foxgloverose, a flirtatious and mischievous attention-seeker.
          —Buffleheadbubble, a distrustful, mistaken warrior who tends to read things wrong.
          —Panzi, a superstitious, grumpy serval
          —Neptune, a snobby Miniature Australian Shepherd who used to be a pet
          —Sirenpaw, a half-paralyzed medicine cat apprentice who is unhappy with her role.
          Let me know if there are any characters that you’d like to come out first, and go check out the characters who are already out as well! Just got the first non-feline character out recently!
          Also, go and vote in this poll if you haven’t already, I plan to end it when there’s at least 30 votes:


For the roleplays, I might just end up doing both of the revamps, as well as the roleplay that wins in the poll. Let me know if you’re interested! Also, for Bluebell Pond Zoo, if I do revamp it, should I include things like fish and invertebrates as characters to be created, or should I just do mammals, birds, reptiles & amphibians?
          Here is the poll for the roleplay: https://strawpoll.com/05ZdW71vDg6
          Also, got a few OCs up and open for roleplay in my interactive OC book, so go and check that out!


I’m working on a new Warrior Cat book! I haven’t done an actual book for a while, and I’ve been wanting to!
          Here’s the basic premise:
          In a rainforest where danger seems to hide everywhere the shadows are dark enough to conceal it until the last moments between life and death, the young feline, Caimanpaw struggles with aligning to her clan's harsh ways after her recklessness ended up with her gaining permanent wounds.
          I’m also working on the first chapter for Daffodils! Go check that out if you haven’t already!
          Also, just a reminder to vote in this poll if you haven’t already: