
Hi love your story, but why did you make Nagisa in love with your OC? Not that I'm saying it's bad or anything, but isn't Nagisa dense when it comes to love. I'm just asking you, not judging or anything. But I really do like your  courage to post this online (I have the ideas, just not the courage) and it's really good and I love it, keep being you cuz your awesome! 
          P. S: I think that you could make Karma  secretly an Assassin. Just an idea.


@Timmydelaporte  I'm kinda in a writers block with the story right now but I promise I will finish writing this story


@ubanprincess Thanks for  answering my question and thanks for thinking about my idea. But what I really want is for you to continue your awesome story cuz' it's awesome!
            And so are you.


@Timmydelaporte  Thank you so much for your kind words! As for your question, in real life, I'm dense when comes to love as well but I know my feels towards someone is romantic or not I think that how Nagisa is (at least here in the story).  
            P.S.: Your idea so cool! I'll think about