
Brilliant Red construction is done... just need to post all the updated chapters + the 3 brand new chapters.  However, i'm considering putting Brilliant Red on hiatus for a while, after I post the updated version & new chapters... 'cuz right now I have a COLOSSAL urge  to write an AruAni fanfic before the SnK manga ends this year.. And I don't see myself focusing on two fanfics simultaneously. It'd be too distracting and confusing for me.
          AruAni is my most recent OTP so I'd love to write an AruAni fanfic very very soon.. And then once I finish the AruAni fanfic, I'll continue with Brilliant Red... 
          Since the SnK manga is delayed for a month due to covid-19, I think an AruAni fanfic would be ideal right now because my plan is to ABSOLUTELY write and finish an AruAni fanfic before the manga ends.
          Just a thought, still considering.


I am so so excited to publish the newer version of my story! ;D I've been spending all day rewriting the chapters, every day XD and each chapter is longer than they initially were because I've had a lot of inspiration lately. The title, look and format of the book will also be changed to my preferences, but i am so excited to republish. ;D soon soon!


I've reread my story recently.. checking for silly mistakes and whatnot.. and although some parts are fine, it's also not yet entirely satisfactory to me. So before the next update (which i cannot set a specific date for yet) , Brilliant Red will be undergoing A LOT of construction. The aim is to be 200% satisfied with my already published chapters before I publish new ones. Plus, inspiration isn't around every corner. So to everyone who's already been reading the story, keep in mind A LOT of changes will be made. I'm even considering deleting the whole book and republishing it after it undergoes construction to fulfill my standards, but I haven't fully decided. I don't want to have any regrets while the story is ongoing nor once it's fully completed so this construction will be necessary.


Hiya ^_^
          Sooo since I'm on holiday for 3 weeks rn, I'm considering updating Brilliant Red with two more chapters.  
          I didn't update it for months on end before publishing 'Papercut' , so rn I feel it'd be ideal to post at least two more updates during these 3 weeks before I return to uni and become swamped with assignments and write exams.  
          And when that time comes, I obviously won't be able to spend much time on Brilliant Red.
          Priorities. And life, life happens. 
          But since I don't ever want to abandon this story or neglect it, or fall off the Wattpad radar without completing it as I want, I've decided to update Brilliant Red at least once every two or three months at most. 
          Sucks to read stories that are never completed and never will be or wait  forever on new updates from authors.  So I'm really tryna avoid being that type of writer who either takes hiatus forever or just completely abandons an ongoing fanfic. I've read so many incomplete & ongoing fanfics and it truly sucks, esp when you're truly into the fanfic, and then BOOM: no update since 2009. 
          Positively, thank you to everyone who constantly reads and follows my story. We're gonna see it through to the bitter end. 
          Subarashii. ✨


So I know I haven't updated in quite a while, but I've just started a whole new chapter of my life. 
          UNI life ! :D 
          It's been tiring and fun at once, but I've definitely enjoyed it. My exams will start in a few days so I can't guarantee another update soon, but I'll try my best. :) I missed my Brilliant Red fanfic  so much after all ! Hope my readers enjoy the new chapter "Breaking The Habit." :D
          Peace & love ❤️


I'm happy to have updated Brilliant Red. However, due to Finals, I cannot afford to pay Wattpad any attention right now. I'll be on hiatus for a month and a half before I return to writing. I am going to try my utmost to slay Finals! To those who've been reading and supporting Brilliant Red, thank you.❤ Stay blessed everybody, x.