@u_are_a_tough_cookie omg can I just say I love you!! I can't eat love is and forever will be the best book I've ever read.Solo is actually one of my fav songs. I'm not quite fond of tragic endings you see so I'll pass. I feel I need happy endings atleast in the books I read because I know it isn't possible for everyone in real life. I become happy when someone even if they were fictional get a happy end I feel like witnessed something meaningful that way. Everytime you say live well I feel incredibly happy . I feel a sense of belonging I guess whenever I meet someone who passionately reads and loves . So thank you for giving me a chance to read something so magnificent. I can't eat love is something that makes me crave rereading. I'm not a fan of rereading because I cannot feel all the emotions the first time. But I can't eat love is a game changer. Ahh sorry for the long rant! If I could maybe would you like to be my friend? Could I maybe pm you? I need someone to fangirl with about Nate, Lenora especially Henry the precious plat boi!! Live well , hopefully my future friend!