tagged by @fierylemomade
-real name? Avaaaaaa
-What does my user name mean? 'Tis a secret *evil laughter*
-Favourite mutual? That's like telling me to pick a favourite book, not gonna happen people's
-First person I became friends with on wattpad? @zodiachowell
-Height? 5'5
-Piercings or tattoos? Nuu m' a wimp and if I saw a needle coming at me to pierce right through my skin I would scream, punch someone and run but I'm definitely getting a tattoo at some point :)
- Favourite season? Autumn because aggh, the trees and the leaves and the feeling in my soul just aggfgh :)
Last movie I watched? Paper Towns ♡
Last song I listened to? Hey Jude by The Beatles
Favourite food? Cakkeeeeeee
Favourite TV show? SUPERNATURAL
*agressivly throws salt at passing people screaming in pain from my destiel feels*
Favourite Holiday? Christmasss because the tree and the lights and the presents and the sometimes snow
Hair colour and length? Blue/grey and like mid-backish
Favourite thing about myself? My outlook on the world because I know that is unique to me
First person I remember following on wattpad? Idk, skip?
Greatest memory? ... That time I got my Hogwarts letter because that totally happened
tagging? @alishathomson71 @zodiachowell @Chloehood