
As I've realized the age demographic of the people that read "Everyone deserves a second chance even you" is rather low, I'm thinking of a way to end the story approptiately. I was planning to write some chapters with smut and then end it, but I suppose I can't quite write that anymore, keeping my readers ages in mind. I hope to write an appropriate final chapter soon if my depression allows it. Pleade be patient with me as I try to find a right way to end this story that satisfies myself and my readers. 


As I've realized the age demographic of the people that read "Everyone deserves a second chance even you" is rather low, I'm thinking of a way to end the story approptiately. I was planning to write some chapters with smut and then end it, but I suppose I can't quite write that anymore, keeping my readers ages in mind. I hope to write an appropriate final chapter soon if my depression allows it. Pleade be patient with me as I try to find a right way to end this story that satisfies myself and my readers. 


Are you going to update soon? It’s totally okay if it’s not in a while, because I (and everyone else should) understand writers have lives out of Wattpad. I hope you’re doing alright! <3


@ AnamCada  I hope to update it too, sorry for the incredibly long wait, currently I have a lot of mental and medical situations going on. I do really want to update, but my body is currently not allowing it. I do try to write little by little, but it's not going so fast again my apologies. 


I'll probably delete my snarry fanfiction sometime soon. I wrote it for a friend who is barely a friend now and also doesn't ship it anymore, I never shipped it in the first place and it's a rather problematic ship so unless someone is really against it I will delete it.


Are you taking any tangled Varian chapter requests? Please let me know please answer nicely? Loving your fic!!


@ VarianWolf  Well it depends, I already have the main plot laid out for 'Everyone Deserves A Second Chance, Even You' so I'm not changing any of that, but I'm open to oneshot ideas and such just slide into my dms and I'll see what I can do for you^^