
Ok it's been about two long months since I have been here. I forgot my password and couldn't log back in. I am so dumb TwT But anyways I am back! Expect me to be active! Chihiro is back uwu


@RealNagitoKomaeda //it can happen to anyone now these days (^ー^)


Ok it's been about two long months since I have been here. I forgot my password and couldn't log back in. I am so dumb TwT But anyways I am back! Expect me to be active! Chihiro is back uwu


@RealNagitoKomaeda //it can happen to anyone now these days (^ー^)


U-uh. Hello everyone-? I have been inactive lately because I have been busy with My YouTube channel. I will come here back to Wattpad as soon as possible. [P.S plz surprise to Sweet Cookie]


@ultimateprogrammer- For Hope to sprout you must take as long as you need! Even if the deepest of despair tries to stop you, you must never give up on Hope! In the name of Hope you must focus on creating it! I may be a worthless, minuscule piece of trash! But I know you can do it!


Hello there.


@ultimateprogrammer- I find it surprising that you'd even know someone like me, after all... I'm nothing special. But you?... I can see it in your eyes. You are something who craves the Hope of becoming something more than what you already are... well! Besides that, I see you have an empty spot for me, I would truly love to be in that spot. Even if I'm so lowly to ask someone as great as you that aha.


Hello! You must be Nagito Komeada...nice to meet you...