
uploaded 3 new chapters of City on Fire with the rest being scheduled to release within the upcoming hour as to not spam inboxes or whatever. I have the next one book uploaded but there's no chapter there (but I am working on it) hope you enjoy.


uploaded 3 new chapters of City on Fire with the rest being scheduled to release within the upcoming hour as to not spam inboxes or whatever. I have the next one book uploaded but there's no chapter there (but I am working on it) hope you enjoy.


heyo, so im a college student now and big surprise that means I have less time compared to summer break. I'm still writing and getting a lot of chapters done, but I tend to forget about posting lol. ill post soon tho.


hi to the two followers that prolly read these. decided to take a lil break from okami cuz im feeling burnt out from it after completing two books and dont want to do a crappy job. so im going to focus on my other two books with an emphasis on Grief in the Stars (formerly Stricken Grief) I like the new name and cover a whole lot better


heyy, I made a new story cuz of burnout from Okami. I got this idea from a nightmare I had this morning and I really liked how it played out at the start, so I'm gonna see if I can flesh it out into a full on novel.


hey, long time no see, kinda havent been up to date with this because of school n all. recently. anyway, i have been making chapters but obviously havent been uploading and was reminded of that from the a&d email lol, but yeah i jus wanted to leave a message n say hi, im not dead