
My laptop is being repaired so as much as I wanna release that chapter I’ve been holding out on you guys, I don’t feel comfortable publishing through my phone, as mistakes could be made. I’ll continue to revise in the meantime ! 
          	Also, I miss my friends on here ! I’m going to have to catch up with a few of them or make time to text, call, or maybe Skype them ! Ahhhh, I just have to before school starts again. 
          	Till next time 


My laptop is being repaired so as much as I wanna release that chapter I’ve been holding out on you guys, I don’t feel comfortable publishing through my phone, as mistakes could be made. I’ll continue to revise in the meantime ! 
          Also, I miss my friends on here ! I’m going to have to catch up with a few of them or make time to text, call, or maybe Skype them ! Ahhhh, I just have to before school starts again. 
          Till next time 


Gonna write another chapter whenever I can ! The book is nearing its end as I brainstorm more ideas about how the book should end. Should I end it with angst or relieve your poor brains ? 
          Also, a new book in under construction ! So be on the lookout for that as 365DOBAS is nearing its end ! 
          Thanks for reading


So ummm, I did a thing today and finished another chapter of my story like, a YEAR later. I thought it would be funny to post another part on the same day one year apart, but that's just torture. 
          Sorry, with school and family life everything was hectic for awhile but I can now say that I am officially a senior ! Ah, yes that feels good to say it. I hope over summer I can deliver more chapters of this story that'll make you happy ! Thank you for your support !


I think I'm back. God, school has been stressful ! But, alas, I'm officially a junior ! The sad girl in my 365DOBAS is finally a junior ! Whoo ! Now, let me finish up that chapter I've been holding out on publishing and get back to my regular writing schedule and I'll see y'all later !


Okay, I've been procrastinating...I get it. Don't hassle me. Between wracking my brain for a new chappie idea to stuffing my face with almost a half pound coconut cake, I'm not doing good. And to be honest guys, I'm kinda not doing okay right now. After sleeping all day and staying up all night becoming the pathetic loser I was a year ago, I realized not everything in my life is okay right now. I don't really have any real friends. My best guy friends won't even talk to me no matter how hard I reach out the them, my good friends from other schools are only one button away, yet I can't find myself sending a message if I can't have the real deal, y'know ? And, re reading this book makes me downright depressed; I now get what y'all were saying about it being so sad lol. But, I'm trying to get through it for you guys and hopefully...HOPEFULLY I can finish it and be done with it because writing another chapter for this is like reopening the wound itself and I don't like that feeling at all.
          I don't think there's gonna be a sequel but if there is, y'all are downright lucky I love y'all enough to put myself through emotional pain to write another goddamn book about basically my life experiences through fictious yet utterly true events. God, I love y'all, and thanks for everything !


Never mind, found a lot of depressing music from a long time ago. I now have the power to conjure up a new chappie ! So, this will be the last WARNING chapter before I revert back to writing something that all users can enjoy rather than skip over the last three chapters. Yes, it does deal with sexual assault/rape education, domestic violence, and attempted suicide. I will do a Q and A after these three chapters, so any questions you guys have, please feel free to respond/leave any questions you have at the last chappie you left off on or send them to my I promise I will answer each one honestly to the best of my ability. Thanks for sticking around, and I haven't said this recently, but love ya lots ! You guys are the reason I get up everyday and think about writing a new chapter to fill my burning desire. 
          p.p.s. but please send me more depressing music. I'll tell you why in a bit


Anyone have any depressing music they want to recommend ? Yes, I'm alright, but if you want a new chapter...I kinda have to should I say this ? Mildly depressed ? Down in the dumps ? I can't write depressing chapters in a happy mood or I'll just start writing fluff. As much as y'all like that considering your responses...I can't do that ! Time for some seriousness. So, for the love of God and everything Gay, recommend me music to get through this day !
          p.s. I didn't realize that this rhymed. It's something I say under my breath everyday to help me get through my hetero normative school day.