
BOO! Hehe, bet you weren't expecting that, huh? Fools. It's spoopy season. Expect the unexpected.
          	Anyway, ahem- Hello! It's me, making a post to confirm I am indeed still alive! Exhausted, but alive. I have a few life updates to let everyone know what was going on/what's been on my mind while I was away, but I'll try to keep them short and sweet!
          	▪︎That job interview I mentioned in my last announcement? It went really well! So well, in fact, I actually got hired- Believe me, I was shocked as well. I've been working for a while now, which is the main reason I'm so exhausted. Most days I wake up at 5:30 AM, so no more late nights for me :')
          	▪︎Uni will be officially starting up again on Monday. If I think I'm busy now, I dread how I'll feel trying to balance work AND classes. I'll figure it out though! ...Did I ever actually mention I was studying? If I didn't, now you all know lol
          	▪︎After needing it for such a long time, I finally managed to book an appointment to see a dentist- Which ended up needing to be split into two appointments. I'm happy to report that my fear of needing to pay thousands to have repairs done was unnecessary! After having my teeth thoroughly cleaned, I was told I only need one filling. I'll be getting that done soon-ish!
          	▪︎Some mixed news: we had to take one of our family dogs to the vet because she had a lump, and we found out it was a cancerous tumour. But, after going through with surgery, she seems to be doing just fine! She has a check-up on Monday just to be sure, but things are looking good!
          	I think that's everything of note that's been going on lately. I did come online for a blip like a week or two ago, but now I'm going to try to catch up with everything properly! Thank you to everyone who's been patient with me and my cat-like habit of coming and going, I love you all <3


someone’s been *busy* lmfao  Congratulations on the job!! Having to wake up that early is a bit of a bummer, but I hope that the good ol’ pay check has been making it worth it! And I’m glad to hear that your  family dog is doing better <3 Hopefully the check-up goes really smoothly!!
          	  Good luck with Uni btw  It definitely sounds like it’ll be a bit hectic, but I’m sure that you’ll manage! Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself <3 (also complete slay with the oral hygiene!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡)


@umi-chu Jeez child- everything's been happening huh? XD
          	  Congratulations on getting hired!!! Seems like the good luck paid off then!!! Tho I pity the early morning hell you're in sjhdhdhdhd
          	  Have fun with Uni. The main thing is to plan breaks so you don't get burned out skjdjdbdjdb
          	  That's good!!! Health stuff is terrifying I swear skdhdjhdhdbx
          	  And I'm glad things are going good for your family dog skdhdjbdjd- fingers crossed that it stays that way-


BOO! Hehe, bet you weren't expecting that, huh? Fools. It's spoopy season. Expect the unexpected.
          Anyway, ahem- Hello! It's me, making a post to confirm I am indeed still alive! Exhausted, but alive. I have a few life updates to let everyone know what was going on/what's been on my mind while I was away, but I'll try to keep them short and sweet!
          ▪︎That job interview I mentioned in my last announcement? It went really well! So well, in fact, I actually got hired- Believe me, I was shocked as well. I've been working for a while now, which is the main reason I'm so exhausted. Most days I wake up at 5:30 AM, so no more late nights for me :')
          ▪︎Uni will be officially starting up again on Monday. If I think I'm busy now, I dread how I'll feel trying to balance work AND classes. I'll figure it out though! ...Did I ever actually mention I was studying? If I didn't, now you all know lol
          ▪︎After needing it for such a long time, I finally managed to book an appointment to see a dentist- Which ended up needing to be split into two appointments. I'm happy to report that my fear of needing to pay thousands to have repairs done was unnecessary! After having my teeth thoroughly cleaned, I was told I only need one filling. I'll be getting that done soon-ish!
          ▪︎Some mixed news: we had to take one of our family dogs to the vet because she had a lump, and we found out it was a cancerous tumour. But, after going through with surgery, she seems to be doing just fine! She has a check-up on Monday just to be sure, but things are looking good!
          I think that's everything of note that's been going on lately. I did come online for a blip like a week or two ago, but now I'm going to try to catch up with everything properly! Thank you to everyone who's been patient with me and my cat-like habit of coming and going, I love you all <3


someone’s been *busy* lmfao  Congratulations on the job!! Having to wake up that early is a bit of a bummer, but I hope that the good ol’ pay check has been making it worth it! And I’m glad to hear that your  family dog is doing better <3 Hopefully the check-up goes really smoothly!!
            Good luck with Uni btw  It definitely sounds like it’ll be a bit hectic, but I’m sure that you’ll manage! Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself <3 (also complete slay with the oral hygiene!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡)


@umi-chu Jeez child- everything's been happening huh? XD
            Congratulations on getting hired!!! Seems like the good luck paid off then!!! Tho I pity the early morning hell you're in sjhdhdhdhd
            Have fun with Uni. The main thing is to plan breaks so you don't get burned out skjdjdbdjdb
            That's good!!! Health stuff is terrifying I swear skdhdjhdhdbx
            And I'm glad things are going good for your family dog skdhdjbdjd- fingers crossed that it stays that way-


hihi, it’s me cami!! i’m back now! <33


hi umi!! i hope you’ve been doing okay too and taking it easy, and i am happy to be back as well! i love you lots and you know i’m always here for you <33


CAMIII hi, hello, welcome back!! I'm so sorry it took me this long to respond to you- Life has been kicking me in the butt lately :') But I did see what you sent on Discord, and I'm happy to welcome you back to Wattpad as well! I hope you've been doing well since we last spoke <33


Got a job interview later this evening! Wish me luck and give me the strength to not be overcome by anxiety, I need this to go well so bad-


@umi-chu not the tech issues showing up at the worst time- I second what qwerty said!! In the meantime, I’ll willingly hand over all my luck! ╰(*´︶`*)╯✨ 
            you’re gonna do great!! 


@umi-chu oh f u n- try listening to calm music, or write down your worries to attempt to get them out- they tend to look less intimidating when they're on the page


@alaughingstorm @CookiesNCream989 @qwertyuiop1234abc 
            Okay so, some tech issues on the interviewer's side forced us to postpone the interview- So I'll still be sucking all of your luck away while I battle the anxiety, please and thank you ùwú


Just getting over a severe spike in anxiety, give me a sec to get back into the swing of things and respond to everyone <3


Glad to hear that you’re feeling better! You got this queen!


@umi-chu *God* do I feel that- panic attacks and anxiety attacks are the worst skxbjdbxb- and yeah, of course!


            Ugh, tell me about it. Who decided anxiety was a thing that should exist?- Thank you though, I'm feeling pretty good now! But if I start to spiral again, I know you'll be there to help ^^


Fixed Ryōichi's page! It now displays both his gif and his theme song <3
          So! Those of you who have read the chapter already may have noticed I've expanded upon some of the sections, giving some extra insight into the likes, dislikes, etc. I'll be adding these adjustments to the rest of my OCs as well over time, so don't be surprised if you see me unpublishing and republishing familiar faces! Not in any particular order, mind you- I'll just be editing whoever has my attention at the time, haha.


            Thank you, thank you sjdjajxsjxka


@umi-chu it's so cool skdbjdbchxbc


            I'm glad you think so!! I love adding on to my characters, even if it's only a little bit ahsjajxabdj


Smh I was so excited to finally share my newest creation with everyone, only to find out this cursed app won't let me put both the gif and the song in at once. Ah well, the rest of the chapter looks good, so I'll figure it out :')


            Thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun writing everything out, so I'm glad the results are good!


            // just read the chapter, and you've done a really great job!


            Oh? Looks like I read your mind. My psychic abilities are off the charts >:)
            But yes, I'm absolutely still updating my book! I have three other characters planned out already, but they'll most likely take quite a long time before they're released </3