I am not back and probably won’t ever use this account to post stories again but I’d like to say that I am very very proud of Dan. After all the traumatic events that he went through regarding his sexuality he still posted this video. He didn’t need to share this information with us but he felt comfortable enough to post it. I can’t explain how much I cried while watching the video, I was so shocked and proud. I never thought a day would come where Dan would y’all about his sexuality and I respected that. I truly thought that I was dreaming so when I woke up the next morning I checked to make sure it was real. I have watched Dan (and phil) since I was 6 years old, I’ve grown up watching their YouTube videos. In no way will the video morph my image of Dan, his sexuality isn’t what I watch him for, it’s his content that I watch for. I can’t wait to see what future content is like for Dan and I wish him nothing but the best.