Are you serious!? I didn't even know that people liked them! Thank you so much for the confidence! And I'm sure yours are fantastic! I'll be sure to check them out!
Hey there! Could you do me a favour and check out my newest 1D fanfiction? It's called 'Shes Not Afraid' ! Please comment and say what you think! Thank you very much!
@hugmeharderx I'm only like one the second chapter! But I think it's pretty good!! You are really good at writing and your grammatical stuff looks really nice!! Keep writing :)
@Paigey200018 Yes!! I'm glad you think soo! So many people think dancing is easy and that you don't do any hard work. It's insulting. But there are people like you who are amazing and know it's a sport :) And wow, 10 years? Keep on dancing!