
I've republished all of my old stories (which took a long time because one of them has 100+ parts oof). I was going to edit them all before I republished them, but I just don't have the energy and there are too many plot holes. So if you discover my stories and think to yourself "wow this doesn't make much sense" or "wow this is cringy, bad writing" it's cuz I wrote them when I was 14 lol. I'm going to leave up the old, unedited versions in case ppl still want to read them but my plan is to completely rewrite a lot of them (specifically Truly, Teddy and its sequel). I hope to be able to do this between classes so it'll be slow updates. I know a lot of my followers have become inactive since 2016 so I'm not really doing this for votes/comments. I'm doing this simply bc I love writing (and I need to do something besides just going to class, going to work, and then sleeping. Just doing that the first semester had me very burnt out and almost going insane lol)


@unbirthdays i know this is kinda old now but i just saw this and you don't know how happy i am! your stories were some of my favorites when i was younger and it's so lovely to see them again! i hope you're well! <3


@unbirthdays nice to see you again! <3 i remember reading your stories back when i was still in high school! looking forward to the rewritten versions!


I've republished all of my old stories (which took a long time because one of them has 100+ parts oof). I was going to edit them all before I republished them, but I just don't have the energy and there are too many plot holes. So if you discover my stories and think to yourself "wow this doesn't make much sense" or "wow this is cringy, bad writing" it's cuz I wrote them when I was 14 lol. I'm going to leave up the old, unedited versions in case ppl still want to read them but my plan is to completely rewrite a lot of them (specifically Truly, Teddy and its sequel). I hope to be able to do this between classes so it'll be slow updates. I know a lot of my followers have become inactive since 2016 so I'm not really doing this for votes/comments. I'm doing this simply bc I love writing (and I need to do something besides just going to class, going to work, and then sleeping. Just doing that the first semester had me very burnt out and almost going insane lol)


@unbirthdays i know this is kinda old now but i just saw this and you don't know how happy i am! your stories were some of my favorites when i was younger and it's so lovely to see them again! i hope you're well! <3


@unbirthdays nice to see you again! <3 i remember reading your stories back when i was still in high school! looking forward to the rewritten versions!


just came back here after not being active since like 2016. man, i miss all my people. i'm 22 now, going to college studying lab research and biotechnology, have four roommates (living with people sucks), and the most annoying green cheek conure parrot. this website was my lifeline while i was going through some really tough crap mentally and physically at 13/14/15. truly, teddy was my story trying to make sense of the headaches i was experiencing. teddy goes insane in the end and gets admitted into a mental hospital bc i felt like that was my reality. turns out i have a (non-cancerous) brain tumour, hydrocephalus (or "water on the brain"), and chiari malformation. took until i was 19 to get a doc to listen and order an mri. also found out i have adhd a couple months ago. i feel like i'm out of the woods with my depression and su1c1dal thoughts, but i still get hit with them sometimes. all this to say i can't believe i'm still alive. i can't believe i made it out when all i knew was the darkness. i'm so happy it didn't actually happen the night i attempted in hs. i'm so happy i got help. i'm so happy i found people who believed me, who listened to me, and who didn't stop looking for why i was in pain. i love you guys. thank you for saving me.


Thank you for adding “Spandex Is Mandatory” to your reading list! If you ever get the chance to read it, I hope that you enjoy it - the same goes for any of my other works :) I appreciate all of your support!
          Happy reading,
          Lia :) 


You’re welcome ! I’m excited to read it ! 