
How's it going internet, it's been a while...
          	Look I'm going to be straight with you all it has been literal years since I've touched any of my old stories, and odds are I don't think I'll ever get back around to updating them. I've got a busy life compared to way back when. I'm going into my senior year of high school and have started looking at colleges, along with dozens of other things. I don't really have the time to go back and rewrite any of these old stories, especially since it's been ages since I've seen anything from the crew these stories are based on. 
          	If any of you want to, for whatever reason, feel free to go and adopt any of these stories, I'd love to see these relics of my past live on.
          	But who the hell knows, maybe one day I'll get a wild hair and go rewatch and rewrite some of this stuff, just please do not expect anything. 
          	-FNAFTaleFan1687 out (God if I do ever come back first thing I'm doing is making a new account so I can have a decent name that I didn't make in the 7th grade)


How's it going internet, it's been a while...
          Look I'm going to be straight with you all it has been literal years since I've touched any of my old stories, and odds are I don't think I'll ever get back around to updating them. I've got a busy life compared to way back when. I'm going into my senior year of high school and have started looking at colleges, along with dozens of other things. I don't really have the time to go back and rewrite any of these old stories, especially since it's been ages since I've seen anything from the crew these stories are based on. 
          If any of you want to, for whatever reason, feel free to go and adopt any of these stories, I'd love to see these relics of my past live on.
          But who the hell knows, maybe one day I'll get a wild hair and go rewatch and rewrite some of this stuff, just please do not expect anything. 
          -FNAFTaleFan1687 out (God if I do ever come back first thing I'm doing is making a new account so I can have a decent name that I didn't make in the 7th grade)


Wow, it has been a while. I know I've said this before but to those of you that are still waiting on a story update I must apologize, I have been trying to write new content but every time I get somewhere I go back and change at least 12 things. I have also been lacking in motivation for writing, so I would like to once again thank those who are still waiting for their patience.


To all of you waiting for a new chapter of one of my stories to e released, I want to thank you for your patience. I have been meaning to write for a long time, but have had neither the time nor the motivation. I do plan on spending as much time as I can these following few weeks writing, either new chapters of old stories or rewriting old chapters so that they can be fixed of various mistakes that I have left in them.
           I once again thank you for your patience.


I'm may going to let everyone who is eating for a new chapter of one of my story's to be published, I don't have any idea for when I will be publishing new chapters, it could be Saturday or in August so don't expect consistant uploads.


@undertalefan1678 Well you're doin better than me in publishing that's for sure! Also in quality!