
luke hemmings on repeat omgg idc idc idc!


literally immaculate, that’s all i have to say


I’m a firm believer that everyone looks hot with a nose piercing so this is your sign to get one ✨❤️ my ego just got a boost tbfh


@crazedcliffo DO IT !!!! It would look so good!!


@ultramalum me wanting to pierce the other side of my nose... 


this message may be offensive
I’m so upset and disappointed at these rich entitled white boys like are you serious ??? And like Covid rates in Cali are going up and they’re partying???? They’re really acting childish and immature and it’s making me so mad. It’s almost been a year of online learning, not partying, spending my nasty 19 locked in my dorm room (for more reasons than 1)— like Cmon now.
          It not shit I take lightly, like I’m from ny, I literally lived in the epicenter of the epicenter. And disproportionately Black and Brown folks are affected by this pandemic. As a POC, their actions really made me feel like I don’t matter and that’s incredibly upsetting. You can’t say BLM matter and then completely disregard a pandemic that disproportionately affects Black folks like what’s not clicking ???
          I had a whole covid scare and had to quarantine for two weeks away from my family and whatnot and I was fine with it because I wanted to keep others safe. I got tested multiple times while quarantining and thankfully it was negative. But I still quarantined after. My roommates and I were all safe about it too, always wearing masks and never going out to do stupid things. But these white men think it’s okay and I’m so skdjenenke Ugh! 
          Anyways be safe <3


@little89veggie I remember joking to my June birthday friends that they was gonna spend it indoors and for my birthday, we was gonna go out but clearly that didn’t happen and I felt like a whole clown LMFAOO. But I’m so sorry that you haven’t been able to properly celebrate, I hope you do soon <3 I hope y’all are safe !! And for real like I don’t understand, I really thought they would be smarter and more considerate but clearly not and it’s so upsetting :/


@ultramalum Hmmm, I hear you loud and clear. My birthday is in march, smack in the middle of all this so it hits home for me. I didn’t get to celebrate and I’ve had to be extra careful because my mom has other health issues. So what makes y’all so special?


This probably didn’t make sense and I have so many thoughts to vocalize, I’m sorry ahhh