
Hi everyone! I'm currently working on the next chapter but hitting some writer's block. I had surgery on my foot about a week and a half ago then my parents came to visit this past weekend so I haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I'll have this chapter done by the end of the weekend (:


Hi everyone! I'm currently working on the next chapter but hitting some writer's block. I had surgery on my foot about a week and a half ago then my parents came to visit this past weekend so I haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I'll have this chapter done by the end of the weekend (:


Hey there!  I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself – I'm a newbie writer on Wattpad, and I just posted my first book! ✨ It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'd love it if you could check it out and be a part of my writing adventure. 
          Book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/353509283?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Mindful_Imaginist&wp_originator=oM6WWDTZq4fryJypDdNtWB94oUaerpdp%2BkfDtn5%2F%2F9nWYPcP%2F%2BJOvAR%2Ft0L7fJD%2BVdOcA%2FWlLPPccqYrRW6jXVdK8XUsZENdTWqSvi%2Fa7Nzw0yxPUhzzBE%2BfXh4CttXW
          It would mean a lot to me if you could explore my work and maybe even share your thoughts. Looking forward to connecting with fellow writers and readers!  #NewWriter #WattpadJourney


Hey everyone!
          So, I'm going to be changing the titles to all of the chapters in Curves for Them. This might give an "update" for each chapter, I'm not really sure.
          I do have a question though - I've had a couple people ask me if I post on Neobooks. Should I be worried that they are plagiarizing my work?


Hey y'all! A fabulous update is coming next Monday!!
          My laptop broke, so I wrote NSFW stuff at work. Oops. Do I feel bad, not at all. 
          The chapter coming out Monday is rated R, so please do not read if you are under 18. Obviously I can't regulate who reads anything, but for my peace of mind I'm putting it out there in the universe. 
          I'm officially done with my semester until the first week of the new year, so I'm hoping to be able to spend time writing. I will continue to keep the every monday schedule even if I write in advance. I'll schedule them to post on Monday at noon EST. 
          I hope everyone has an amazing and magical holiday season!
          Mango has already eaten some of our christmas tree and she is notorious for eating boxes. So no presents can be kept under the tree in our house. Darn dog