
this message may be offensive
Hi you ugly asshole :) I just want to say that you are an amazing human and I am lucky to have you beb :) I hope you're okay and if you aren't, here's some hugs *cuddles you* and go cry if you need to you'll be okay. I gotta go take a shit now but I love you alot and I hope that the rest of your day will be filled with alot of love. BYE BABY *kissies*


this message may be offensive
@strawblipstick oooh now you're calling me baby? This is so disgusting of you to do. But honestly thank you pip, you're always so kind even if I'm not. Thank you for making me feel safe pip. Now get away no more of this cute shit. 


You have immaculate taste in music in case you didn't already know


@unfuckwitable_ One Direction are amazing for sure :) Duplicity is really good I recommend it! You don't sound like a mum don't worry 


@OiiiiOiiiiii yeaahhh like one direction :)) I heard duplicity is good have fun
            I sound like a mum but ok


@unfuckwitable_ Some men aren't though luckily there are some good ones. Thank you so much I'm going to read Duplicity so hopefully it improves some lol 