Admin: Unholy. A strange thing for a cleric to be considered, but that is what Penance has been seen as her entire life. She was found at the Temple of Astars, god of forgiveness that took the form of a star. A paladin named Polaris took her in and raised her as his own alongside a half elf boy named Orion who had been dedicated to the temple.
Her heavy freckling was seen as a sign Astars had chosen her, after all, what better blessing from a god of stars than to wear constellations on your very body? From a young age, Penance had an interest in magic and seemed to have a talent for it. This was not the result of Astars' favor but from her cursed blood.
In truth, Penance is far more closely related to the archdevil who marks her blood than most Tieflings. The bastard daughter of one of Mephistopheles' numerous daughters. No one knows the truth, not even the girl herself.