
@DAAshwood you can do anything if you try


Have tried...its best just to dream the story in my head. The words don't come out right. But that's ok with me. There are so many who can and do so I will support them.


          Actually YOU are jealous you crazy cat lady, your sooo unsuccessful and your ego on wattpad is as big as a 100 elephant butts. Don't to hating people, and discouraging them. I don't get why people give their 'opinion' so negatively. THIS is jealousy, bro calm your tits and continue life peacefully don't go hating good peeps....have a good day....NOT you crazy cat lady


@minion_lover_101 your just jealous


Ya , says the one with what like 4 followers and a high of 50 reads, great accomplishment honey....OR NAH!! just go back to playing with you cats, you crazy cat lady. and I am just sharing my 'opinion' like you said it  is the right thing to do, and since you shared your 'opinion' first your the jelly banana! -_-