
My neighbour just died I don't understand I can never grasp it when someone dies they're just suddenly gone, without a trace, but their bodies. He always gave my family home-made wine and I'd greet him and his dog on the way to school often and now he's gone. When someone dies I always feel numb and then it hits me that they're gone and they're never coming back, I miss him,  could never understand what he was saying because of his accent, but I'll miss him hobbling down the street with his dog waving goodmorning to me. At least he'll get to join his wife. He was old and I guess we all have to move on from this world eventually even if it hurts when people pass on without you.






P!ATD is lyfe, Brendon is BAEE I ship scolex also, my bff hated  me for a week cuz shez a die hard scomiche shipper wuv u gurl!!!


@unicornsshouldexist Yas I am Mitchie and you are Kev idk I just Ugh


@JennahPTX OMG YES lets be friends


My neighbour just died I don't understand I can never grasp it when someone dies they're just suddenly gone, without a trace, but their bodies. He always gave my family home-made wine and I'd greet him and his dog on the way to school often and now he's gone. When someone dies I always feel numb and then it hits me that they're gone and they're never coming back, I miss him,  could never understand what he was saying because of his accent, but I'll miss him hobbling down the street with his dog waving goodmorning to me. At least he'll get to join his wife. He was old and I guess we all have to move on from this world eventually even if it hurts when people pass on without you.