Hole everyone’s having a fantastic day! If so then why not reach out to someone who isn’t and try to make there’s better!

Man I feel like I’m going through a romance novel. Getting broken up with without knowing what I did wrong and breaking down at night. And then becoming friends with a new person. Getting help and realizing I could still love, wether that be platonically or romantically. I became a little brother to someone younger than me and slowly fell in love with them without even knowing. And eventually asking them out and now I’m looking forward l staying with them for the rest of my life. You know your truly in love when you don’t criticize the person you love for how they look or how they act. You know you love them if they can do the slightest little things and realize you love them all over again. If you can love them for who they are and not for how they look then you know your in love.

My mind is in a constant fight lately. On one side I’m wanting to die and on the other I don’t want to cause I don’t want to leave my family and friends. But the pain... it hurts. I may sound selfish or ignorant but I don’t like the hole, the hole left from the breakup of my first love. I didn’t want it to happen, I couldn’t of thought that it would ever happen. It looked like it was going so well. But then you get a message saying that they want to breakup... The way I speak, the way I respond to questions, apparently hurting them. I still hold them dear though, cause I know that even if we aren’t together, I still don’t want to hurt them. I got a little hope the day after it, I wanted to ask if we could maybe try again. I kind of regret that. It’s what broke me a bit. To love someone dearly for nearly a year and then all of a sudden get told that they don’t love you. It f*cking hurt. It also doesn’t help that I see them daily, with a new person... I just want to hold them close again... I’m sorry for this little thing, I just needed to rant.

this message may be
@uniquefoxstory oi, I haven’t rlly done or talked with anyone online, but I wish u a “anti-don’t-kill-you-self” charm. Oh and if ppl are bullying you just because you are a furry, laugh your ass off, make a youtube channel and talk about it. I know this one furry YouTuber who is getting rlly good clout for exposing homophobic racist jerks. Orrrr if you aren’t interested in it.... laugh it off anyways. They are prolly ppl who didn’t get their way with “ mommy or daddy” in the past and now like making ppl feel worse. Well uhhh.... ya. Hope you feel better

@Idatri_Uchiha I’ve noticed so many things with what you said that are the same with me. I’m really hoping that it gets better. They were my first love and I was hoping they’d be my only since they were perfect to me, but yeah, like how you said it happened out of no where. They even got with someone else basically the day or day after it happened. But at least me and them are on good terms though it makes it hurt more being just friends.and then it doesn’t hurt that they talk about they’re new person often. It’s like they don’t care. They asked if I was ok the day it happened, obviously I lied about it cause I don’t want to make people sad, and then it hurt more since I tried again but they basically got mad. And they said some things that I wish I didn’t get said. I’m hoping yours gets better. You seem like a nice person that shouldn’t go through that.

@uniquefoxstory I'm literally going through the same thing rn. It blows. I did the exact same thing as you, I begged for another chance to try things again and it felt like she was just playing and toying with my feelings, even when I said I still loved her. I don't Even know how it happened. We were so good and then all of sudden, BAM! Breakup. That was last year. To make matters worse, during our time apart, she hooked up with some one in my class and they both held it from me. He knew of me but I didn't know him and it feels like they're both laughing behind my back. If fcking hurts but reading and writing help me not think about it. Idk if you're gonna read this since I'm a day late but I just want you to know that it gets better from this. It has to. Because while that girl or guy maybe your first love, they won't be your last love

*is pan* jotro

I just read a nearly 2 hour long movie today. It was a good movie :)

Thanks for the follow my guy


Will do comrade

Thank you for the follow