
{Be sure to check out Lindsay_Gannon1127's page and read "Shut Up and Kiss Me" a romance story which we are currently writing with her! 
          	Also read "Trading Secrets"! We will update it once we reach 700 or 730 views......;)


Only 30 more views on Trading Secrets: Highschool Series....
          :) Then you'll get an update!!! 


@united_fandom But we need an update now!!!!!!! Raaaaaaaaaaacccccchhhhheeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Followers,                    10/21/14
          Thanks for all the support we've gotten on Ruthless Game! We have over 1K views which is amazing!! Also we'd like to update you on our other stories.
          Trading Secrets: We are so sorry that we look so long to update! But we are starting to update more frequently than before. Sorry the new school year has been an onus.
          Legacy Of The Worlds: Sorry. But it will be long before we update this story because our main priorities are currently Trading Secrets and a new ORIGINAL dystopian story that we are working on for you guys.
          Lastly, I bet you are all curious as to what on Earth this new story is about. And here's the deal. If you get us to 1000 views on Trading Secrets then we will reveal the title, summary, and first chapter of the story. (YES!!! I KNOW!!! VERY EXCITING!!!) 
          Also, please leave us feedback on our stories. If you have any good ideas, share them with us. We love the help you give us. Be sure to spread the word to your wonderful friends on Wattpad about our stories. We'd love to get some more people to discover them! :)
          Have a great afternoon,
          (BTW: We will start sending updates like this every once in a while so you know what's going on.)
          PS~~Any good story recommendations??