Please read carefully whatever I am going to say next
Last night I received a DM on Instagram which read
"Upload the next chapter fast otherwise I will unfollow you and will also do mass reporting against you"
Look, when does a person wants to become an author/writer when there is no one to listen to him/her, right?
But after becoming a writer/author, is it right for a person to hear all this?
I have said so many times that I am also a student like you all, who has to balance her personal life and professional life
Believe me, it is not easy for me to balance my writing, content creation and studies with it but still I am doing it
I feel very happy to know that people are giving so much love to my book, They are laughing because of my book
But it is not right that I have to cry as a outcome of making you all laugh, isn't it?
Now some people will say that other authors manages their personal and professional life so well, then why can't you manage?
Toh mere Jaans, everyone has different capacity and capability
Sometimes there is a lot going on in a person's life due to which they're not in a state to write
And I don't want to write a chapter in which I can't give my 110%
So i'm taking a short break
I don't know when I will come back but I will try to come back soon.
I also deactivated my Instagram account , So if anyone wants to say something to me, please comment
Bye , take care of yourself mere jaans