I had a dream that I woke up this morning about a girl trying to get away from a fire that was blazing on an apartment complex and she saw fire trucks but never went over. She crossed over a busy street in the deep night and a man stopped her. She recognized him as a familiar but of course since it was a dream I couldn’t really tell who it was and then they were talking about an investigation and whatnot and they almost kissed before my mom woke me up. Anyways, I had the idea to write a detective story with the male lead being mark Lee of NCT because thinking back on my dream, when the guy almost kissed the girl I was in the pov of but failed, he smacked his lips at the awkward situation and I oddly enough recognize the lips as mark lee’s But anyways, I was trying to find a story that can help me get a jump start figuring out my own story and the story Declaration is what popped up in my head. Just bits and pieces but I read Declaration on my mom’s iPad when I had my phone taken once and it just stuck. Like it’s so good that I want to read it all over again! In conclusion of that whole entire essay that I just wrote, Declaration is an amazing story and I’ve read many more stories yours, I know as an author things can be hard but keep going! I hope you keep making stories because they are really good! ☺️