
Hi hi, I came on here to say that I'm close to completing They Are His, and I will be continuing to update as soon as I write the last chapter. 
          	I also came on here to ask what story you guys would want me to release first after I finish TAH. 
          	The first story is about a nerdy college student, Cyrus, who has a crush on the semi-popular guy, Damon. He stalks Damon regularly and decides to unknowingly follow Damon into a BDSM club. Cyrus expects Damon to be a Dominant, but is surprised when he finds him naked, on his knees, and caged (iykwim).
          	The second story is about a Dominant femboy, Freddie, and his submissive boyfriend, Bas. The two finally move in and get to attend college together. Their relationship is open so that they can mess around and have fun, and the two make five new "friends".
          	The third story is about a famous androgynous cam boy, Shiloh. He's a popular anonymous streamer, who would like to be a Daddy. He attends a BDSM dungeon and there he meets a little, Ali, then is accidentally found out by one of his top donators, a middle, Demian. 
          	I personally would choose story 1 and then 3 to write, because I'm so damn excited to continue writing for those stories, but I'll leave the decision up to you guys since I don't mind.
          	(I'm ngl though, I haven't written for the third story since December of 2021, but it's coming back to me, I promise, lol.)
          	But let me know in the comments which story you would like me to release first after I finish TAH, and once said stories up above are completed!
          	Talk with you all later! (●’◡’●)ノ


1 or 2 sounds awesome. Although they all do


I wanna read 1 that's sounds good 


1 sounds interesting 


Hi hi, I came on here to say that I'm close to completing They Are His, and I will be continuing to update as soon as I write the last chapter. 
          I also came on here to ask what story you guys would want me to release first after I finish TAH. 
          The first story is about a nerdy college student, Cyrus, who has a crush on the semi-popular guy, Damon. He stalks Damon regularly and decides to unknowingly follow Damon into a BDSM club. Cyrus expects Damon to be a Dominant, but is surprised when he finds him naked, on his knees, and caged (iykwim).
          The second story is about a Dominant femboy, Freddie, and his submissive boyfriend, Bas. The two finally move in and get to attend college together. Their relationship is open so that they can mess around and have fun, and the two make five new "friends".
          The third story is about a famous androgynous cam boy, Shiloh. He's a popular anonymous streamer, who would like to be a Daddy. He attends a BDSM dungeon and there he meets a little, Ali, then is accidentally found out by one of his top donators, a middle, Demian. 
          I personally would choose story 1 and then 3 to write, because I'm so damn excited to continue writing for those stories, but I'll leave the decision up to you guys since I don't mind.
          (I'm ngl though, I haven't written for the third story since December of 2021, but it's coming back to me, I promise, lol.)
          But let me know in the comments which story you would like me to release first after I finish TAH, and once said stories up above are completed!
          Talk with you all later! (●’◡’●)ノ


1 or 2 sounds awesome. Although they all do


I wanna read 1 that's sounds good 


1 sounds interesting 


Hi, hello... ( ̄ω ̄;)
          First of all, I'd like to apologize to you guys who have been waiting forever for the bonus chapter of Devil's Dungeon and to those who are waiting on updates for They Are His. 
          I've posted the bonus chapter for Devil's Dungeon and will no longer be touching that story. For They Are His, I have been writing chapters, just taking my time with it.
          Now don't think I haven't been writing, because I actually have, but it's taking me a while to as most of you have noticed (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`).
          I also have been writing many other stories, which likely won't be released for another long time, but just know that I do have other stories in progress and with those I definitely will be completing before I ever release them. I've learned my lesson (╥_╥).
          I have about 15 stories that are being written as we speak, and many more ideas written down, but of course there's only one of me, and I have other things going on irl that take up time and by the time I want to write, I'm mentally drained and end up sleeping or just relaxing. 
          That's all for now. I'll try to update They Are His soon, and just keep in mind that I am writing for many stories.
          If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! 
          Thank you for sticking with me, I truly appreciate it. ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


All I know was I was sad when it wasn't even in my library anymore. Just love Angelo, Davin, and Harley. Loved how all 3 came so far and now I get to experience it again with you reuploading the story. 


@TabbyChampion  yeah, tbh idk why it was deleted in the first place and I'm upset about it, but it's alr since I still have the story saved. I'll prolly be reposting a few times a day until I can finish pasting everything onto here. But I'm glad you loved the story, it makes me really happy to know that people can enjoy the story (*^‿^*)


Just got it back in my library and it says the pages aren't there.


Alright, so I have no idea why Devil's Dungeon got deleted from my profile...and there's no way I could've done it even on accident because if you wanna delete your story, you have to type in your username. I haven't gotten any type of email or anything from Wattpad to explain why my story was taken down, and I'm not even gonna try to contact them cuz I've heard that they're pretty ass when handling stuff like this.
          The good thing is that I do have the entirety of DD saved elsewhere so I'm not sad or wtv, maybe a little since we were 3k from reaching 300k reads, but it's fine since I do have DD saved in the end. 
          With that being said...well, I guess I'll be reposting the story again. I'll likely start tonight since I just got home from work and have nothing better to do until I get tired. 
          Tbh, I'm not even upset about it, I just don't understand why it was taken down. And if one of y'all mfs reported it...well, idk what to tell you. I'll just repost or wtv


@CaitlinN20 this happed to me too, twice actually probably if you download the book you can still access it


That’s so weird. It’s still in my library and I can open it but I see it’s not on your profile


Someone tell me I'm not the only one that's tripping and can't find Devil's Dungeon on my profile....


@readqueen94  I cant think of anything as to why DD would get taken down, if anything I'm surprised DD is the story that got taken down and not my first story TOFT.....like why DD (╥_╥)


Ahhh I love your stories @unleashed-sin!!!
          Alsooo check out my story:)


@unleashed-sin Thank youuu:)) i will do it today:)


@tylerww_  I'll check it out once you post a chapter | (• ◡•)|