Heyyyyyy little question do yall kill me if dont regret this end with 35 chapters ? I feel like after 2 (long) chapters the story is ending ? I mean they are dating we will see their dating life little and its over after ? Or are you all not okay with that?
@ kurd09 I didn't want to give up on the story but I just dont see what else to write anymore a fanfic can only go on if there's problems and I want these 2 to be happy already, it might have been a little hard for me to be passionate about my story but you guys are the reason why I wished I could give you more but sadly everything I wanted to write in this ff is here (except the last chap)
love you all XOXO gossip girl
Im still alive but are my readers alive. I was gone for so long im 80% sure everyone forgot about this story
I wanna write i PROMISE but im lazy BUT im on vacation now so ill try to get these chapters out... really.
Chapter 28 is short because it's midnight and I'm sleepy, and also because it was more of an opening for the conversation of pepi/gavi in ch29 so yeah. Sorry. Hope I write/get out ch29 tomorrow.
I'm writing right now but I'm busy/sleepy, I sure hope I get it out tomorrow
Ps : i didn't know I had to ✔️ a "show this to my followers" button for you to see my message, I wrote 20 message during my break and no one saw them ?