Hi I am not here to judge or say I understand because I honestly don't. But I can say that I know what it feels like to be unloved and unwanted. That one moment when you self harm just for the distraction from the emotional pain. It eats at your soul and tells you to believe false things. Your unique and beautiful just the way you are. You dint need anyone to tell you in order to know. I've been bullied and I self harmed. It made me have a sense of mind. Then my closest friends (family) started to notice. They were there. No matter how hard I tried to push them away they were still there. I want all of you to find that one person or people. They will turn your life around. People throw these obstacles at you to test your strength. Because they know you can get through this and they know they it will make you a thousand times stronger than before. You are strong. But no one is perfect and I know it sound cliché but its the truth. No matter what people say turn around and say something back. Your strong . Embrace your imperfections because those are what make all of us humans and who we are. There is no such thing as someone or something that is perfect. Because we are all humans and we all make stupid mistakes or take the wrong path. But we learn and we pass it on and get through it. Because we are strong and capable people. Thank you.
~Masked girl