@ unloyalnoona ini beneran udah lama ngga up something? Aku aja lupa pernah ngefollow. Ugh seriously . But for the comeback story, jaewin as main couple and playboyxcute innocent theme ia good. I'm looking forward for that story. Keep the spirit bub
Kak naaa, aku pengen cerita ih. Jujur aku udah lama bgtttttt kangen sm book ongniel yg catch me if you can. Sumpahhh tolong repub donggg, nangis bgttt tiap inget book itu tp udah gabisa baca lagi :(((
@ unloyalnoona ini beneran udah lama ngga up something? Aku aja lupa pernah ngefollow. Ugh seriously . But for the comeback story, jaewin as main couple and playboyxcute innocent theme ia good. I'm looking forward for that story. Keep the spirit bub