
Dear Followers,
          	I’m so sorry, but both my stories are going on temporary hiatus until further notice. Too many things have been happening and it’s been really very difficult for me to update.
          	I just really want to take this chance to appreciate all of your love and support and sweet comments. Honestly, so many of you guys don’t see what’s happening behind the writing, and sometimes, it’s a form of release, but other times, it’s very very hard to come. Despite that, thank you for supporting me. And also thank you in advance for the understanding and support I know I will receive after this message goes out. I hope all of you are well! Please take care of yourselves! I’m not gone, I promise. I just need a little space.
          	As usual, until next time,
          	Love y’all! ❤️


@unplannedimpulse it's okay, we will be waiting! Your story is great and I'm so excited for the next update!


Dear Followers,
          I’m so sorry, but both my stories are going on temporary hiatus until further notice. Too many things have been happening and it’s been really very difficult for me to update.
          I just really want to take this chance to appreciate all of your love and support and sweet comments. Honestly, so many of you guys don’t see what’s happening behind the writing, and sometimes, it’s a form of release, but other times, it’s very very hard to come. Despite that, thank you for supporting me. And also thank you in advance for the understanding and support I know I will receive after this message goes out. I hope all of you are well! Please take care of yourselves! I’m not gone, I promise. I just need a little space.
          As usual, until next time,
          Love y’all! ❤️


@unplannedimpulse it's okay, we will be waiting! Your story is great and I'm so excited for the next update!


Chapter. Eighteen. Is. FINALLY. Published!!!!!! *throws confetti* I hope you guys love it!
          Thank you so so much for all the support, thank you for waiting, thank you for your messages, thank you for your persistence in writing in to get me to update! It's your messages that always gets me to push through and keep writing. I really cannot thank you enough.
          So as a gift, I've finished writing an entirely new Sungjae series! It should be going up soon (let me know if you want it up heehee). Please give it lots of love and support!
          Love you guys! <3


@unplannedimpulse of course we want it! 


Hello, i just found out your story after just finding out about bbyu couple after joy sent a video message to sungjae in oppa thinking. My feels for this couple is still very fresh. Pls continue your story for their reunion special. Lol... pls pls pls... jebal


Hello! Awww you're so sweet! I'm so sorry I missed this, I was in the middle of a very busy period in uni. Bbyu had a reunion special!? When where what!!! But anyway, I'm working on the chapter, don't worry! It will be up soon! Thank you so so much for being patient 


i just read your story 'I Think I Wanna Marry You' and it's so good! are you going to continue it? p.s. why did sungjoy have to end :(((


@tokkimina Hello! Thank you so much for supporting ITIWMY! Yes, I'm definitely going to continue it, but it's a bit difficult at this point since I'm handling a lot of work in university. I will try to update soon so that all of you can get your dose of Sungjoy now that it was ended :'( I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL hahahah I didn't want it to end too T.T


Merry Christmas, everyone! 
          So thankful for my experience here on Wattpad. I started this account to satisfy my writing impulses (hence the name), but I never expected to meet such nice and supportive people T^T
          Thank you for all the votes and comments - I feel like you guys have given me so much. Here's to spreading more love this Christmas!