
Lady Alpha chapter 10 updated!


@unrealisticromantic I know sometimes they seem unfair and peeps don't know the rules so I like to give a heads up before the moderators delete it :D some of my stories need A LOT of work lol but the one I'm working on is The Resistance :) what's your fav story ?(your works)


Well currently I'm working on Lady Alpha, so I would say that's my fave story. I have a bad habit of starting stories & never finishing because I find it pointless, but I'm really trying to change with this one! I even picked a new genre, haha.


Hi Denise :D I remember seeing you on a Werewolf thread! Thanks for following me :D hope you get a chance to check out my work. I see you've got quite a few stories, I'll have to have a look when I get time!


Yes, that was me! You made me look at the guidelines more carefully. I'll definitely check out your works & give mine a look once you can!