
I'm sorry. But I don't know how to keep The Idiot + Me =...?. I can't seem to think of anything to write. Ugh, I'm sorry, so so so sorry. Do you think I should just put it down? Like delete it? :'(


Alright, I am so so SO SORRY that I'm not updating that often. Please bear with me. I have so many things to do :( I work on The Idiot Plus Me when I have time and when I have an idea. So far, I don't really know what to do with the latest chapter. I'm really so sorry. :( But I'm trying hard :) 
          I love you all so much! <3


@haynette loooool amazing chapter (chapter 5) and omg i acctually had tears burning my eyes at the end too :'( and awww brothers omg dont get me started but theyre really fun to be with but embarissing when they start to mention periods and talk about them like its soo casual looool :)