
*    coming  back  like  five  hargreeves  after  45  years.   hi ,,


cia.  fbi.  same  thing.  


just  for  fun.   (  klaus  grins  cheekily,  their  hands  resting  on  their  knees  as  they  lean  forward.  )  so  you’re  a  narc?  that’s  what  i’m  hearing.  solving  murders  while  being  a  former  killer  yourself.  insane  work.  you  ever  investigated  your  own  case?


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,   @crinkledeyes :
            do  you  have  to  give  me  a  headache  every  time  you  speak,   or  is  this  one  just  for  fun?    {  with  a  terse  glare  five  fixes  his  attention  to  his  sibling,   mouth  pinched  into  a  straight  line.  }   the  cia  focuses  on  foreign  intelligence.   we  help  shape  the  policy  nationwide.    the  fbi  just  works  within  :/  


you  totally  cried.


honestly?  yeah.  you’re  sniffling.  and  i  don’t  think  it’s  cold  enough  yet.  :/  (  klaus  crinkles  her  nose,  leaning  over  to  steal  the  drink.  )  because  you  [LOVE]  us.  and  you  love  seeing  us  in  love.  obviously.  


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @crinkledeyes :
            do  i  look  like  i  shed  a  tear?   be  honest  with  yourself,   klaus.   i'm  not  an  emotional  man.    {  with  a  firm  stamp  of  insistence  five  takes  another  sip  of  his  coke,   not  meeting  klaus'  eyes  as  he  lies  smoothly.  }    out  of  interest,   tell  me.   why  would  i  cry  now ?   


do  you  regret  everyone  you  killed?


yeah,  but  what  about  the  innocent  people?  the  ones  you  had  to  kill  to  cause..  mass  casualties?  (  his  curiosity  is  getting  the  better  of  him.  it’s  unlike  klaus  to  bring  up  previous  traumas;  but  they’ve  bitten  their  tongue  for  so  long,  and  five  doesn’t  seem  to  mind.  )  yeah.  i  suppose  that  too.  even  the  ones  that  [COULDN’T]  have  done  anything.  (  like  ben.  like  jennifer.  )


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @crinkledeyes :
            depends  on  the  person.    {  the  short  answer  is  no.   five  knows  that  he  should;  in  an  ideal  world,   he's  never  had  to  kill  anyone.    he  wasn't  born  with  dreams  of  being  a  killer,   but  he  was  born  with  an  innate  sense  of  loyalty.   comes  with  being  a twin,   he  supposes.   }    some  people  had  to  die.   the  ones  who  stood  between  saving  the  world,   for  one.    ( .. )    and  the  ones  who  threatened  kris,  as  i  assume  that's  what  you're  really  asking.


maybe  i  didn’t  do  the  best  job  protecting  her.  sue  me!


i  am  not  one  to  stop  someone  from  making  their  own  decisions.  (  klaus  sticks  his  finger  up,  wrinkling  their  eyebrows.  )  i  can  only  do  so  much.  i  offer  her  a  listening  ear  when  she  needs  it,  and  i’ve  told  her  i’m  here  to  help.  if  she  doesn’t  want  that  help,  then  i  can’t  make  her,  old  man.  (  …  )  ami  is  there  when  she  needs  a  place  to  stay.  i  never  asked  her  to  do  any  of  that  for  me,  okay?  love  isn’t  conditional,  contrary  to  what  you  think.  she’s  just  a  (GOOD)  person.  


this message may be offensive
ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @crinkledeyes :
            is  nothing  entirely  on  you?   {  it's  alarming,   how  easy  his  unconditional  love  for  each  of  his  siblings  can  turn  so  quickly  on  its  head.   klaus  has  always  held  his  own  regardless  of  how  easy  it  is  for  five  to  get  annoyed  with  him,   a  trait  he  can't  help  but  respect  in  any  given  situation.   except  this  one.  }   'maybe'   you  didn't  do  the  best  job.    'maybe'   she  wound  up  with  a  raging  asshole  who's  down  with  the  world's  worst  superiority  complex.    'maybe'  she  needed  you,   but  you  needed  your  goddamn  high  more.    'maybe'   i  can't  trust  her  with  /any/  of  you.    {  with  a  curled  upper  lip  of  cold  disgust  five  maintains  the  glare  he's  held  strong  this  entire  conversation,   knuckles  a  clenched  white  as  he  grips  the  chair.  }   do  you  think  it  was  my  (choice)  to  be  gone,   klaus?    that  i  didn't  (try)   getting  home?   i  was  supposed  to  have  an  ounce  of  trust  that  someone  would  take  care  of  her  until  i  got  back.   it  clearly  wasn't  unreasonable,   considering  everything  she  did  for  you.


are  you  working  late  again  tomorrow?  i  thought  you  wouldn’t  be.


it’s  the  government..  how  do  they  not have  resources?  (  kris  frowns,  placing  a  glass  on  the  dish  rack  to  dry.  it’s  his  job-  she  doesn’t  want  to  seem  disappointed-  but  she’d  be  lying  if  she  said  her  chest  didn’t  tighten.  )  you  said  that  last  time.  it’s  fine,  though.  if  nothing  else,  i’ll  go  over  to  mara  and  klaus’  for  dinner,  okay?  i’ll bring  you  back  leftovers,  because  i  might  be  asleep  when  you  come  back.  


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @tamegentles :
            something  came  up.   {  such  as?   five  has  already  thought  this  through,   changed  his  excuses  from  stories  to  vignettes  that  are  enough  to  satisfy.    something  came  up.   what  something?   new  foreign  policy  being  introduced.   he  was  off  the  team  for  this,   but. . . }   bruce  got  sick.   for  all they  boast  about  preparation  being  a  priority,   they  have  practically  no  resources  for  one  absent  employee.    ( .. )    i'll  try  to  move  it  along.   being  around  those  undergrown  apes  all  day  is  far  from  ideal.   


this  is  (annoying).


it  would  be  nice  if  there  weren’t  five  million  people  seated  next  to  us.  (  she  crinkles  her  nose,  attempting  to  shrink  in  her-  no,  five’s-  jacket  around  her  shoulders.  )   that  sounds  perfect.  i  think  i’d  rather  be  at  home  with  you  and  the  animals.  the  next  person  who  isn’t  you  that  tries  to  talk  to  me  might  just  get  shot.
            (  they’re  so  me!!  frl!!!  )


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @tamegentles :
            i'm  learning  that  most  of  the  world  is.   apparently  our  years  in  the  apocalypse  misled  us  into  believing  that  we  would  be  able  to  drown  out  the  loudest  restaurant  in  the  state.   {  with  his  own  annoyed  scoff  five  pushes  his  fork  onto  his  plate,   practically  glowering  at  their  surroundings.   it  feels  like  every  little  sound  is  crawling  through  his  brain  with  a  chalkboard  in  one  hand  and  nails  in  the  other,   dragging  along  with  every  new  chime  of  the  entry  bell.   }    i'm  gonna  request  our  food  be  to-go.    that  sound  good ?
            *    sorry ,,  ik  they  both  get  annoyed  as  hell  when  they  have  sensory  overloads ,, 


i  don’t  wanna  look  at  it  anymore.


(  she  sighs,  shrugging  slightly.  she’s  not  sure  anyone  will  understand.  not  even  mara,  as  much  as  she  wishes  her  sister  would.  kris  rolls  her eyes shoulders  back,  averting  eye  contact.  )  i’ll  be  fine.  i’m  always  cold,  anyways.  (  she’s  already  sweating  underneath  the  outfit,  but  she  thinks  she’d  rather  die  of  heat  exhaustion  than  ever  remind  herself  or  her  friends  of  the  worst  days  of  their  lives.  )  okay?  don’t  worry  about  me,  i  can  handle  my  own  stuff.  if  i  get  too  hot,  i’ll  roll  up  the  sleeves.


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @tamegentles :
            {  how  is  he  meant  to  come  back  at  that?    
            it's  logical.   the  worst  day  of  her  life,   of  their  lives,   lives  as  a  permanent  reminder  of  callous  hands  and  a  tragic  ending  along  kris'  neck.    it  exists  as  a  piece  of  her,   tucked  along  her  throat  that  is  otherwise  unmarred.   it  mocks  her.   (he)   mocks  her,   five  knows.   each  time  she  looks  in  the  mirror.
            but  knowledge  doesn't  fix  the  rubble,   and  while  rome  wasn't  built  in  a  day,   it  most  certainly  burnt  in  one.   }    a  turtleneck  in  summer  isn't  just  (impractical),   kris.   it's  dangerous.    {  as  though  he's  one  to  speak  about  danger.    hypocrisy  aside,  five  speaks  with  a  tone  that  he  wishes  he  couldn't  recognize;  stubborn  like  a  bull  holding  up  the  cabinet  with  fine  china.    fashion  isn't  his  forte,   but  kris'  well-being  is.  }     there's  a  different  way  to  cover  it.    there  (has)  to  be.


it’s  not  mine.  it  never  was.


it  just  feels  weird  not  having  it.  (  her  legs  are  pulled  against  her  chest,  fumbling  with  the  heart  around  her  neck.  )  y’know,  had  it  for  so  long-  i  wish  i  could’ve  given  it  back  to  her.  would’ve  been  more  meaningful  instead  of  just..  ripping  it  off  and  losing  it  in a  hotel  room.  (  she  sighs  wistfully.  a  part  of  her  yearns  for  revenge-  to  stick  it  to  her  mother.  another  part  of  her  wants  it  to  die  and  never  resurface.  )  


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @tamegentles :
            fair  enough.    {  the  remark  is  one  he  feels  almost  idiotic  making,   after  everything,   all  that  has  lived  and  died  between  them,   after  (kris)  lived  and  died  by  his  own  negligence,   he  finds  that  any  other  comment  feels  too  personal.   too  much  of  a  ghost.    his  word  search  sits  balanced  precariously  on  one  knee  still,   pencil  still  resting  against  the  paper  from  when  he  made  that  passing  remark.   'you  don't  wear  your  necklace  anymore'.   
            it'd  be  nice  to  know,  if  only  for  passing  reference,  when  the  memories  of  that  week  will  stop  haunting  him.  }    truth  be  told,   i  prefer  the  heart.   it  says  enough  on  its  own.    ( .. )    besides,   we  agreed  that  our  limited  space  should  be  dedicated  to  the  things  that  speak  to  us.   last  i  checked,   having  a  'k'  on  a  chain  doesn't  make  you  kris.   
            *    again ,,   so  sorry.   spotted  a  potential  metaphor  with  the  necklace  evelyn  gave  her &&  locked  tf  in ,, 