So does someone die from drowning in the story drown? Got to Richie's death in Ripped Away and just stopped reading. What purpose does KILLING off main characters in a LOVE STORY serve? I read that other one 'his death, ....' and a main character dies there too. Teen Queers seem OBSESSED with killing people. What is up with that? Zoloft 4or other SSRi's? Gotta wonder how dark their world is. Hell at 14-25 ish the world was golden for me. Yes people died, divorces, accidents, but my attitude was not so depressed or darkened. Solid writing based on reality (not too many HS gay lovers die each year) and life lessons, or teaching moments, sharing history are the best stories.
@mtbarr64 I legit cried for like 20 min when I read the part where the person "died" in the other ones Imagination. Oh, how I love this book.