
Hey guys I have a question. Please answer cuz I want y’alls opinions. I’m in the middle of trying to finish the Mattia story before I upload it again and trying to make a Vinnie Hacker story. Should the main character be y/n or should I make up a name for the character? Please respond to this so I know what y’all would want. 
          	I love you all. I promise I’ll try to update soon. 


Hey guys I have a question. Please answer cuz I want y’alls opinions. I’m in the middle of trying to finish the Mattia story before I upload it again and trying to make a Vinnie Hacker story. Should the main character be y/n or should I make up a name for the character? Please respond to this so I know what y’all would want. 
          I love you all. I promise I’ll try to update soon. 


Hey guys I posted my Mattia book yesterday and I want feedback on how it is so far. I posted the first 2 chapters and I’m working on the 3rd one. I hope y’all like it so far not much has happened and if you haven’t read it yet you should read it and tell me how you like it so far. 
          I love you all. 
          Stay hydrated and stay beautiful <3 


Hey  I’m back and I plan on posting two more times tonight and I’m gonna change my book from hype and sway to all tik tok boys if that’s ok I just want to write about more people. A Vinnie and Mattia smut will be next!!!


New pfp, New username, I like it. 
          I chose the username(ur amor angel) because I liked the way it sounded and amor means love, or loving in Spanish and I am Puerto Rican  (get it I guess) just thought I would tell yall because you guys have known me as hype_house_stories67 for a while I didn't want you thinking I was a random person. Have a good day luvs 


MY SMUTS BOOK HIT 200K READS. Well technically 203k reads yeah I am late on this but that doesn't matter because I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS thank you all so so so so so so so so much im really glad you guys like the book and that you have continued to read it  
          First 5 people to give me requests on a story they want will get it and a shout out on the story. Also give me username ideas my username is getting very old but anyways thank u loves 


Ummmmmmmm.............3 imagines tonight?? MAKE ME LAUGH AND ILL POST THEM BY 12 AM 


@hype_house_stories67 AKDJFJSJRHTGDHSJEJEGWHSJEHFVD you aren't wrong  but I shall post them today cuz u just made me laugh 


i don’t think they laughed...they didn’t post them


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@asiahfox1121 and shit*


this message may be offensive
SOOOOOOOOO..........I just had to repost every chapter in my smuts and imagines book cuz my dumbass accidentally unpublished it. Don't ask how cuz I don't even know but yeah. If you got a whole bunch of notifications from old chapters in my book and don't know why...........Now you do 
          Ugh I'm such a dumbass