
Szczęsny na Narodowego Ministra Obrony 


          Today is the 31 day since Russia attacked. I'm sending love to all the people struggling in Ukraine. Polish and Romanian borders are open, you don't need a visa and you can come with your pets. They give food and water. Please try to stay safe, I hope it will all be over soon 


I have exams this week and I'm really stressed, because my whole life kinda depends on them. So if anyone wants to wish me good luck or something ( since everyone around me irl is "joking" about how bad they will go ) it would be nice:) 
          ( You don't have to ofc, I'm just saying ) 


@ hedwigs_leg  tysm<33 


@-fruity-mf- If I tell you to not stress, it's going to make it worse, so good luck. I'm sure you'll do great :)


Okay so there's a literal world war III starting and our generation ( including me ) is like "omg first war kinda nervous", lmao gen z really can't take anything serious. At least we're not gonna have to learn about this one
          ~healing the world with comedy~ 


@ Lottielaufeydottir  same, I mean if it's actually gonna happen then I'm gonna be real scared ( probably like most people ), especially cuz I'm from Poland and yk that's really close to Ukraine 


@-fruity-mf- because if i think about it too much ill sob


Do y'all ever pretend like you didn't see something so the other person doesn't feel embarrassed 


@-fruity-mf- a boy was wearing his clothes again (wth!) while everyone was out, and since I got a headache from the sun so I had gone back so I went in and smoothly and immediately walked out. I waited outside for a moment before going back in. By that time he was almost done so we just pretended it never happened. (We were not alone lol there was another boy with him and two girls with me who just straight up walked in and didn't even look at them)


@-fruity-mf- I once did it so that I myself don't feel embarrassed