I am a person who doesn't said "i love you" to everyone, not even when i was in relay or what... I would say "like" instead, cuz the word "love" is a serious feelings and i know i don't have that "love"... but once i told someone i love them eventho in joking tone or friends alike confessions, just know that I'm serious and i don't like seeing them in hard time.. but it can't be I'm falling for them right? It won't be, it would be a big mistake if i really fall for them...I can't afford repeating the same mistake again, I'm afraid to be spesific :) Plus, they won't be mine , my feelings is a game for me.. it sucks, i don't want to broke someone's heart ever again, especially someone i treasure.
dear you, please know that you have a special place in my heart that i can't afford losing .. I REALLY DO LOVE YOU, I JUST CAN'T BE WITH YOU. YOU ARE TOO PRECIOUS FOR ME AND YOU DESERVE SOMEONE MUCH BETTER