
in case anyone is still around/does care about my fics, the only story i will ever be updating regularly is unsure bc it is the only salvageable one.
          	of the 2 works i have published on here, booty call is written much worse, its messy and you can really tell i wrote it when i was 16 ... im sorry to everyone who keeps asking but i physically cannot handle writing that anymore so i might just publish the drafts, let it go and then just explain what i was gonna do at the end lol. but maybe not. so we shall see


in case anyone is still around/does care about my fics, the only story i will ever be updating regularly is unsure bc it is the only salvageable one.
          of the 2 works i have published on here, booty call is written much worse, its messy and you can really tell i wrote it when i was 16 ... im sorry to everyone who keeps asking but i physically cannot handle writing that anymore so i might just publish the drafts, let it go and then just explain what i was gonna do at the end lol. but maybe not. so we shall see


I don't know if you're still active or not, but I think you should know that Unsure is a masterpiece!


@blink_and_youre_dead it wont be a quick update but she IS coming! stay tuned


@blink_and_youre_dead what if i told you an update is coming


hey, hope you're okay! you haven't given an update in a while, and i know you were probably very busy with school already. i hope you're alright, given everything that's going right now. 


@anonreaderrxx oh hi!! i didn't see this but thanks a lot :) i'll continue writing soon i just am really busy and don't really write for fun no more  