In all honesty, I’ve lost motivation to continue my Jeff The Killer x Reader story. I want to continue it and I set myself a goal to actually finish writing a story this year, but writers block is a b*tch. I don’t know the direction I’m wanting to go with it or how I’m wanting to end it. I feel as those the most recent chapters are more so mediocre. Which has completely shattered my motivation in itself.
When I first started writing it I was super excited and had so much inspiration flowing through me. I wrote chapter after chapter for about 2- 3weeks. I even mentioned wanting to avoid writers block and that didn’t happen. I read other x readers for inspiration as well, but that didn’t help either. I even watched shows and movies and that didn’t help.
I don’t know, I probably just need a break from writing all together for a bit until something hits me. It just sucks when you want to continue something but don’t have a clue on how to.