woah .. you’ve got really emotional on the stage. what got you in your emotions?

( indifferent to tomi’s tears, remiru watched him carefully with an expresionless face. it wasn’t that he did not care, he just didn’t know how to show that he does. ) it’s okay, tomi. it’s not our last performance! cheer up a little .. do you want me to cry as well?

@44blud !! hm? ( it took him a moment to process the question, having been lost in his thoughts. at the end of the performance, tomi had started to cry, and it was obvious that the tears were not joyful ones, despite the smile he'd kept on his face for the crowd. now that they were backstage, that smile had dropped, and he looked toward the other with a forlorn expression. ) oh, that was.. ( tomi wiped at his face, the tears tickling his cheeks. ) that was the first performance where my family couldn't make it to watch me. so.. i was emotional about them not being there.