
Hi lovelies <3
          	Long time no see!
          	Writing about a post-apocalyptic event, given the state of the world and the pandemic, has been nothing short of challenging. I've completely neglected "That Which Wanders", which was my little love child for a while. 
          	I'm currently working on a bit of an overhaul for this little piece of fiction, since I was a major pantser and definitely flew by the seat of them as far as this story went. I've always had a direction with it, but the details were never ironed out and now... well now I'm grabbing the ironing board.


Hi lovelies <3
          Long time no see!
          Writing about a post-apocalyptic event, given the state of the world and the pandemic, has been nothing short of challenging. I've completely neglected "That Which Wanders", which was my little love child for a while. 
          I'm currently working on a bit of an overhaul for this little piece of fiction, since I was a major pantser and definitely flew by the seat of them as far as this story went. I've always had a direction with it, but the details were never ironed out and now... well now I'm grabbing the ironing board.


Hello lovelies ❤️
          First and foremost, I just want to say that I hope each and every one of you are keeping safe in these uncertain times. We all need to be here for one another, now more than ever. 
          This is why my dear project "That Which Wanders" has been the furthest thing from my mind right now. For those reading, you know that it is a book based off of a post apocalyptic world, the cause of which was from a virus having spread across the world. 
          I feel like right now it's the last thing I'd like to write about, and not the best thing for people to be reading about as well. Which is why I'll be focusing on my ONC story for right now, and not further updating my main story.
          Thanks to you all, wash your hands, and remember to social distance! 


@urlandoa Hey hun, we totally get it. An ONC story, you say? I must read it, then! 
            Stay safe, I'm sending you all the love,  hugs, and chocolate ♥♥♥


I have finally... FINALLY made it past my writers block and have posted my first update to my ONC project "The Games Kids Play".  I'm really proud of it despite the length it took to write, so if you have some time to check it out that would be much appreciated! 
          I'll be continuing with writing "That Which Wanders" right away here too, I promise! 
          Finally... I've fallen behind on all of my reading! So if I've started your story and haven't had the chance to read your most recent chapters, I'll be chipping away at those too pretty soon here! 
          Okay. Long winded update concluded!


Writers block... Isn't it such a fun, wonderful, bitter, gut-wrenching thing?  I've been experiencing it by the truck load!
          I've had a few people reach out looking for an update on "That Which Wanders", and to those lovely people I say: I'm so sorry, I'm working on it I swear! 
          I've also been working on my prologue for ONC, and really, really have to sit down and just bang a few things out. 
          Thanks for the patience ❤️ Also... Any tips to help a girl get over this slump would be so appreciated. Thanks, loveys!


@LailaLiliana Thank you! ❤️ That's really helpful 


Hello lovelies~! 
          I'm entering into the 2020 Open Novella Contest. It's my first attempt, so I'm going to give it a whirl! Please check it "The Games Kids Play" if you're interested in what I'm writing!
          Hint. My writing prompt is: Legend has it, if you stand in front of a mirror holding a cup and a candle you can open a doorway between dimensions. But do you leave, or does something else come through?


For those following my dear story Reverence, I'm decided to make a name change. I've never been sold on it, and I didn't think it stood out. With the help of many people, I've decided to make the change to "That Which Wanders". I hope this change doesn't confuse anyone, but I wanted to do it sooner rather than later. 
          Thanks for your patience while I figure everything out! <3


@darvruni <3 You're so sweet, thank you!


@urlandoa I looks amazing! ❤️ Love the new cover + title!


Hello lovelies! ❤️ Couple of things:
          Firstly... I've officially passed the 700 reads mark and I'm so excited to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for my first big milestone of 1k! I'm so grateful for all of you who read, and leave comments and encouragement. It's so heartwarming.
          Secondly! I'm doing a bit of a revamp. I've never been completely sold on the title of my book, in all honesty. So! I'm looking to make a change... And it's a struggle. If anyone has any great title ideas for a zombie apocalypse romance, please let me know. I'm all ears! 
          Additionally, I've been editing some of my earlier chapters after giving them a second and third read. Changing some wording, fixing errors, adding in extra little pieces. No major changes will be taking place, but for those who would like to reread regardless, keep an eye out and I will post an update once I am done. 
          Once again, thank you all for everything ❤️


@LilBlackRoses Oh my goodness. How did I miss this super sweet and considerate reply? ❤️ Thank you so much.


@urlandoa Congrats! You'll be at 1k in no time! Good luck with editing and the revamp too.


Who knows what a cold is? I'll tell you what, THIS girl does. Somehow, between the pounding headaches and the irritability, I managed to finally finish chapter nine of Reverence. It's been a couple of long weeks, so thanks for all those who have been patiently waiting. For those who haven't? Well... yeah that's okay too.
          Happy reading! And thanks for all the love and support so far to all who read, comment, and vote! <3


@LilBlackRoses You're too sweet! ❤️ I'm definitely feeling better! Just happy to be getting back into a schedule!


@urlandoa Oh, I hope you're okay and feeling better! <3 I don't know how you did that, my writing would just be a jumble of words if that was me lol