Okay, to the zero people following me, and others, I have a book called ‘to be her’ and I would really appreciate if you would take a few minutes to read at last the first chapter, and tell me what you think of It. I’m actually pretty proud of it, being the first book I have wrote that isn’t necessarily a fan fic and is my own original idea. I plan to make multiple books, if this one does at least okay, but in the end, I’m really just writing for me, and to better myself as a writer. To be her, is my own spin on an eighth grade girl, Nicole, who goes through challenges, love, and ultimately life. I would just like to point out, I am young myself, so anything that may come off as weird if I were an adult, may not be weird to me, because I am still a minor. Anyways, plz enjoy my story that I’ve been working pretty hard on